sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

4 Of July

In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States, but is often also viewed as simply a summer festival, apart from its patriotic overtones.

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Imagenes para hi5*

Creps with Arequipe... Ummm.!


1 Eggs
3 cup Milk
1 cup Water
1 cup Flour
¼ tsp Sugar
3 Tablespoons melted butter

Traveling in My Dreams..!

Traveling in My Dreams..!

Well, I want to travel for all world, but, is very very expensive. I want> travel to USA in Summer. I need to have a Visa. I want visit Los Angeles,> Hollywod, Orlando. I Think that I spend a very much, about $2000. I am going> to stay about one month. Weel I am planing see The World Disney. You need> the visa and much money fot going to me...!!>

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

are more spacious, more confortable. But, they can bevery dangerous and very noicy.

are safer, private but sometimes they can be very dark and a little cramped.

My house is in a dangerous neighborhood and is very noisy. However it´s spacious, comfortable and very nice.My house has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, a garage, two rooms, and a porch. I want to change our kitchen.
The house of my dreams has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a large kitchen, with many flowers, with two swimming pools, a game room, a study room, with central air in all the house

Ted and Anna. English

***Once of those so many times, they were two young guys, and they were rolling skating at the park
When sunddelly Splash!, like thing of destiny the boy and the girl crush eacother at the park.

Tom who didn't know how to rollingskating fell on the floor, and Anna looked at him, ashamed about the accident.
Bouth Introdicing Eacother .

-Hi, nice to meet you, my nane is Anna- told her to Tom
Hi, Im tom, nice to meet you .

After a little conversation when they talk about their life and what they do for living, they went to breakfast
Anna were born in Argentina and move to USA, and Tom were lived over there all his life.

In a wonderfull breakfast, with a delicious wafles, Tom was flirting with Anna, he fell in love on first side. After talk during all morning, it was time to closed the cafetire and bouth regret about not keep on the conversation, but they felt very happy to met eachother.

At the next day. Tom came back to the park, with the hope to find anna again, when sundelly he see her far away.
Exited, tom run to anna, and take her arm y said: Hey Anna! and anna look at him and said, Let me go, who are you?
Tom confused wondered, what could happened?, and he get out of there thinking, that doens't wanna know anything about him
Tom sat on one of the chairs of the park when an old lady sat next to him, said hello to him and ask what's going on son? them, tom tell the old lady everything, then the lady told asked him, what was the name of the girl and he said Anna.

The old lady was shocked and asked him to, how she looks like?, and tom told the old lady how was anna, and she shocked and said, Well Tom, she my grandaughter.

The nice lady told tom, that Anna have been throuth at accident and anna lose the memory, and she lives everyday like she never live before.
Tom asked the old lady that help him, with Anna, cause, he was in love with her .

And he used, every way to try to talk to her, he cried to get her atention, ask her direction, etc, etc. But anna still not remember anything.
Next day, tom find anna in the park again, rollingskating when a little boy came to her with a piece of paper, she look the peace of paper and saw the date, 2008, and she took the paper and saw that the date was the same 2008.

Completely 'extra;anda" she went untill her grandmother's house, and Tom went to behind her, with all this quetion withount an answer, Anna demands to go to the doctor, and they went.
The doctor said that she couldn't take her memory back, without no hope, Anna and Tom went to Anna Gradmother house and Tom, did that, everyday, he spend his all day with Anna at her grandmother house.

And make that a rutine, tom felt so much love for anna that, he propuesed her, She was in shock cause, always that was the first day she met Tom, but his feling were so strong that he said that he was the man of her life.

They got marriege but on day Anna woke up and not recognize Tom, and she scared so much, starts to cry and freaks out, the went to the doctor again, and he recomended to split.
Tom acept what the doctor said, and pack his stuff, and move out.
But he decided to stay to fight for Anna's Love and help her to take his memory back.

It was another day, Anna Slept and went she woke up saw Tom next to her, she didn't recognize him, but saw a beautifl, marriege, and hapinnes, sunddely somebody open the door's room and said
Mommy Mommy
and Anna realize that she couldn't forget a happy moment like that

martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Cesar Abreu.

Where were your born?-
I was born in Valera, Trujillo.
Did you grow up there?-
Yes I did, until my sixteen birthday, when I moved to Barquisimeto.
Where did you go to elementary school?-
I went to the Ignacio Martin Burk school
Where did you go to the high school?-
I went to study in the same school
Did you study any foreign languages?-
Yes I did, I study English in Barquisimeto
How old were you when you started the university?-
I was sixteen years old when I started to study in the university in Barquisimeto.
What´s your favorite childhood memory?-
My best memory was in high school , playing soccer with my friends.
What sports or games did you use to play when you were young?-
My favorite sport was soccer.
Did you used to have a nickname?-
No I didn´t, I only used my name
Where did you used to spend your vacations?-
I used to spend my vacations on the beach every summer.
Did you ever have a part-time job?-
No I didn´t
Did you used to have a pet?-
No I didn´t. I have never had a pet
Did you use to have a favorite toy when you were a child?-
Yes I did, I had a toy. It was an Ultraman
What about your favorite food?-
My favorite food is the Italian, specially pizza.
Who was your best friend when you were a child?-
My best friend when I was a child was Rafael.

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008

Dear Mr. Quintero

Dear Mr Quintero

I greet you with the respect you deserve. Valera is a very beautiful and above all very organized city. For these past months, you have made good efforts with respect to the endless queues that are made on Bolivar avenue , the problem is public transportation. I suggest recommending the drivers to meet with the directives of public transportation and create new bus stops , to diminish traffic. I hope i can get a fast response and hope that you are well.

Sincerely, Claudia A.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Historia de Ted & Anna

***Historia inspirada en la película “Como la primera vez”. ***

En una de esas tantas veces, había 2 alegres muchachos que patinaban en el parque…Cuando de pronto ¡Splash! Como por cosa del destino ambos se tropezaron…Tom, quien no sabía patinar, calló al piso mientras Ana lo miraba apenada por el incidente.
Ambos se presentaron el uno al otro
Hola, Mucho gusto! Mi nombre es Ana, le dice ella
Yo soy Tom, es un placer, responde él…
Luego de una pequeña conversación donde hablaron de sus raíces y a que se dedicaban fueron a desayunar….Ana nació en Argentina y se mudó a USA mientras que Tom había vivido toda su vida allí en USA…
En un desayuno con deliciosos wafles, Tom intentaba conquistar a Ana que lo había enamorado con sus hermosos ojos a primera vista…luego de hablar durante toda la mañana ya era hora de cerrar la cafetería y ambos se lamentaron el no seguir hablando…se sintieron muy felices de haberse conocido y desearon poder volverse a ver…
Al día siguiente, Tom vuelve a ir al parque con la esperanza de volverse a encontrar a con Ana…. Cuando de pronto la ve a lo lejos patinando.
Entusiasmado, sale corriendo hasta donde está ella para saludarla…cuando de repente la toma del brazo y le dice ¡HOLA ANA! Ella con una cara de extrañada le dice: suéltame, quien eres tu??
Tom Confundido, se pregunta q habría pasado y se aleja con desilusión pensando que ella no quería saber más nada de él…
Tom se sentó muy triste en una de las bancas del parque cuando una ancianita se sienta a su lado, lo saluda muy amablemente y le pregunta: que te sucede hijo? Entonces Tom le cuenta todo, desahogándose por completo, entonces, la señora lo mira con un aire compasivo y le pregunta como se llama aquella muchacha…
Cuando Tom pronuncia el nombre de Ana aquella señora quedó totalmente perpleja, muda de la impresión y le pregunta a Tom la descripción de aquella mujer…cuando la anciana lo escucha quedó más atónita aún, ya no había dudas, y con una voz totalmente distinta le dice a Tom: Ella es mi nieta…
Empezó a oscurecer, y el pequeño parque se arropó con un manto de estrellas, el presente se transformó en pasado…
La amable abuelita le contó que Ana, su nieta, hace un año, en un viaje d regreso de Argentina había tenido un accidente con su padre camino a casa, donde la camioneta golpeó contra un árbol haciendo que Ana sufriera de un fuerte golpe en la cabeza generándole memoria a corto plazo…
Tom, sorprendido, empezó a entender todo con claridad, y le rogó a la señora que lo ayudara, porque sentía algo especial por Ana y quería luchar por ella.
Con una total desesperanza le responde que ella no podía hacer nada para ayudarlo ya que ese mal era incurable y Ana viviría inmersa por siempre en aquel día del pasado.
Desesperado, Tom a partir de ese día empezó a valerse de todas las técnicas de conquista que sabía para poder acercarse a Ana como: llorar para llamar su atención, fingirse secuestrado, hacerse el golpeado, pedirle indicaciones y un sin fin de maniobras para lograr sacarle conversación.
Al otro día la encontró en el parque como todas las mañanas y la observaba pensativo
Ana patinaba despreocupada, un niño se le acercó para darle un volante y cuando lo mira queda extrañada, la fecha decía 2008 y ella no entendía porque, buscó cuanto periódico se le cruzó en el camino y todos decían 2008.
Extremadamente confundida se dirigió con millones de interrogantes a casa de su abuela, Tom iba tras de ella al ver su reacción y debieron contarle toda la verdad…
Ana todavía no digería por completo la verdad, de sus ojos no dejaban de salir lágrimas y su rostro reflejaba la cara de un conejo asustado…
Inmediatamente exigió que la llevaran a un medico, como había pasado repetidas veces cuando se enteraba de la existencia de su enfermedad…Tom dijo que la acompañaría y se dirigieron al consultorio…
Una vez más el medico dio su diagnostico sin encontrar ninguna esperanza de cura para el mal de Ana…inconsolable, se fue con Tom a casa de su abuela…
Y asi hizo tod
Luego de seguir una rutina diaria Tom sentía tanto amor por Ana que le propuso matrimonio, ella quedó sorprendida ya que para ella siempre era el primer día en que conocía a aquel hombre pero algo muy implícito en ella le decía que era el hombre de su vida…
Pero en una crisis que le dio a Ana cuando vio a Tom y no lo reconocio el medico dijo q debian separarseÉl aceptó su decisión y con mucha tristeza se retiró a su casa, al día siguiente partió en un avión para no volver pero cuando estaba a punto de cruzar la puerta para no regresar se sumergió en una honda nostalgia al recordar la sonrisa de Ana y se preguntó si de verdad permitiría el no ver más a la mujer de su vida…
Tom decidio quedarse, y luchar por ayudar a Ana a Recuperar la memoria

Era un día como cualquier otro, Ana dormía, de pronto se despierta extrañada, junto a Tom, en un matrimonio lleno de flores, la felicidad se hacia notoria y Ana no pudo contener el llanto emotivo…Abrió la puerta y una pequeña niña rubia corrió a sus brazos….y al escuchar el coro de: MAMIII, MAMII se percató de que la felicidad jamás se escaparía de su memoria…